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Osmanthus Fragrans Plant

Osmanthus fragrans commonly called fragrant olive sweet olive or sweet tea produces clusters of not particularly showy flowers that have an extremely powerful apricot fragrance it is a small upright evergreen tree or large shrub that will typically grow to 10 15 tall in cultivation but may reach 20 30 tall in its native habitat in asia himalayas china. Orange supreme is a well shaped plant with bright orange blossoms.

Flora Wonder Blog

Osmanthus fragrans plant!!!

Osmanthus fragrans nc state university and n c. Zones us ms ls cs. Osmanthus fragrans certainly lives up to this name having exquisitely scented flowers. Blooming profusely from fall to spring the large clusters of tiny creamy white flowers cover this densely branched shrub.

Aurantiacus has narrower less glossy leaves than the species. Holly osmanthus osmanthus heterophyllus. A t state university work in tandem along with federal state and local governments to form a strategic partnership called n c. Its crop of wonder fully fragrant orange flowers is concentrated in early fall.

It has been cultivated in china for about 2 500 years and is still of importance there today the flowers being widely used to flavour tea wine and sweets as well as an ingredient in herbal medicine. The generic name osmanthus comes from the greek osma meaning fragrant and anthos meaning flower.

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